Plateau State

Top Level State Government


Report Missing Person to Plateau State Government

This service allows you to report a missing person to Plateau State Government. Your loved one may be missing or you might have found someone on the road that seems to be in danger as a missing person.

Kindly complete the forms below with details of the missing person and a picture image if possible, so as to help connect your request to the right security service to deal with it.

The details you provide may be made visible to the public and members of the public can report to the security services if they have seen the missing person or know the missing person as the case may be.

If you have already reported a missing person, kindly login to view real time updates against your report.


MDA: Operation Rainbow    |    Category: General General

Binta Bello Submitted

Gender: Female
Age: 45
Last Seen Date: 06-May-2024
Last Seen Location: Bukuru
Body Description: Slim
27-May-2024 Arnold Nimzing (0) (0)



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